Dudzu Primary school is located 65km northeast of Harare in a rural area consisting of largely subsistence farmers. Around 400 children from the surrounding areas attend the school. Sadly, this is an area that has fallen victim to extreme levels of deforestation and desertification as the local communities have no other resources to create fires to cook food, or to build houses with.
In 2016, SEED donated 500 gum trees to Dudzu primary school in Goromonzi, and began an education project around climate change and deforestation. The project's core concept was that teaching the young creates positive change for generations to come.
The school now boasts over 2,000 gum trees!
With harvest underway, the school is now about to sell some timber to the local communities; thereby, creating a win-win situation for both the school and the community. Surplus timber is also being used to repair some of the school’s structures and create a fence in order to prevent livestock from wondering onto the school grounds.
In addition, the trees are not only useful when chopped down! Their canopies provide shade, which is key for the hot months where temperatures reach up to 40 degrees celsius! Especially, as some classes are taken outside (see opposite).
September 2021 Update
The gum trees at Dudzu are thriving and the school are now planning a fruit tree planting programme, which we certainly hope to help them with through our Trees for Life campaign. the picture below was taken last month on our annual trip to the school, it shows the gum trees doing well around the school grounds.